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Welcome Henan Boss Liquid Nitrogen Container Co., Ltd.!

Large Caliber Laboratory Cryo tank



Product characteristics:Storage liquid nitrogen tank is mainly used for static storage of samples indoors. Storage time is long, safe and easy to take. It is mainly used in animal husbandry, medical t......


Product details

Product characteristics:

Storage liquid nitrogen tank is mainly used for static storage of samples indoors. Storage time is long, safe and easy to take. It is mainly used in animal husbandry, medical treatment and scientific research. It mainly preserves semen, embryos, bacteria, skin organs and other active materials.

Structural sketch:


Product characteristics:

1. High strength and light weight aluminium structure; 2. Large capacity ampoule storage; 3. Safety lock cap structure to prevent others from opening unauthorized; 4. Optional mobile vehicle for easy movement; 5. EU CE certification; 6, 5-year vacuum quality assurance;

Product parameters:



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